
Infertility Sucks

And Other Stories We Can Choose to Live

A Free Chat with Author Julia Indichova

Wednesday December 18, 2019

9:00PM EST (NY)

“#InfertilitySucks” is a popular hashtag and a much repeated phrase in the baby making world.

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Fertile Heart Free Chat Registration


Infertility is a loaded word. The most commonly understood meaning? If you’re infertile you can’t give birth to a biological child. And yep! For anyone who longs to be a parent, that sucks.

But the most commonly understood meaning is not the only meaning of that word. And the “infertility sucks” story is definitely not the only story we can choose to live.

That’s what we’ll focus on in the first part of our Free Chat. The other possible stories that call to be lived through this yes-painful, yes-frustrating even humiliating assignment most of the world refers to as “infertility.”

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Fertile Heart Free Chat Registration


The second part of the call is open for any and all questions you want to bring into our beautiful Fertile Heart circle, so that you and I can conceive the answers in real time and in a real way together.

I hope to hear your voice on Wednesday the 30th.

With love and much gratitude for a chance to be part of your journey,


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Fertile Heart Free Chat Registration

Dear Julia,

By the time I read your books I had six failed IVF’s and a number of miscarriages.

With every miscarriage my desperation was increasing to unbearable levels. Since the medical community offered me very few options I knew that I was going to have to make something change inside of me, but I had no idea how to do that. I’ve been in therapy for years and tried every alternative treatment but I was still stuck. The Fertile Heart tools, the workshops and your books opened a whole new way of thinking and feeling about this journey. They taught me how to gradually become my own Ultimate Mom. I don’t think that our miracle baby, Isabella, would be here today without the work I have done with you and Fertile Heart. I became a first time mom at 42 after being told I would never have a biological child.

Love Leslie

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Fertile Heart Free Chat Registration

Julia Indichova is the author of The Fertile Female: How the Power of Longing for a Child Can Save Your Life and Change the World (Adell Press,2007) & Inconceivable: A Woman’t Triumph over Despair & Statistics  (Three Rivers Press 2001 the first book about infertility written from a patient’s point of view. The Fertile Heart™ Ovum Practice is an original fertility enhancing program that emerged through a decade and a half of counseling. Julia Indichova’s work has been endorsed by leading reproductive endocrinologists and her story and program was featured on the Oprah Winfrey Show, Good Morning America, Oxygen, Discovery Health, Huffington Post, and other outlets.  Julia’s profile is featured in the 9 People to Watch This Year (2016) Cover Story of the Hudson Valley Magazine.  After 9/11 Julia initiated The 9// Bowing Project focused on applying the tools of her fertility program to the peace efforts.

Dear Julia

I’m pregnant!!!!!

Thank you very much for your tools that were so helpful during the whole in vitro process, and are even more useful now, when I need to get ready to face all my beautiful orphans again.

I still would love to join the next European circle and of course will keep you posted.

Thank you soooo much for your work!!!!

And 9 months later came this note:

I just want to let you know that we have two beautiful daughters!…They brought so much light, joy and happiness into our lives. As you can see on the attached photo :)

I want to thank you for your work and dedication. I am sure that doing the exercises, listening to the meditations, calls and your book helped me a lot to overcome fears and self-imposed limits on my journey to motherhood.

Julia, thank you from the bottom of my heart. Your work changes lives.

With warm hugs from Warsaw,


Womans Legs walking up steps 4 simple steps to re-claiming your fertility and your life

4 Simple Steps

to Re-Claiming Your Fertility & Your Life

Download Julia Indichova’s audio introduction

to the Fertile Heart OVUM Program

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