
Low AMH Success Stories


Low AMH levels and the likelihood of spontaneous, natural pregnancy with low AMH is perhaps one of the most poorly understood topics in the baby making world. May this page with stories of Fertile Heart moms who all conceived spontaneously after—a low AMH, in some cases critically low AMH, failed IUI’s and failed IVF’s—be a source of inspiration for you. Their stories could be just the fertility drug you might need to turn your low AMH diagnosis into a source of healing what calls to be healed not only in your hormonal profile but in every area of your life.

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Twins Conceived Naturally at 43,
after a Failed IVF,
High FSH of 59, Low AMH 0.16

Of course I had many “Orphans,” of fear and worry, but I also had the tools that helped me attend to them. Through the practice I learned to give them lots of tenderness and care. They were teaching me so much. Every day through the pregnancy I practiced Unconditional Gratitude Body Truth and the Nine Hearts, and It’s All Good visualizations. I’m learning so much from my two babies. There are no twins in either James’ or my family, so we continue to revel in this gift of life. We’re full of gratitude…

Tiffany and Brian Pregnant

2 miscarriages


Failed medicated IUI

Conceived naturally at 43


This sweet FertileHeart baby has now safely arrived. Congratulations and much gratitude to Tiffany & Brian for sharing their story.   Perhaps it can be a source of solace and even guidance for the next stretch of your journey…
Bea's Fertile Heart Baby on bed with stuffed penguin



Low AMH…

The cultivating of faith was perhaps the most important step in my getting pregnant. I’ll have to cultivate it further for the rest of this journey and beyond. Meanwhile dear ladies, think about this: I believe the Fertile Heart Ovum Practice and a commitment to nurturing yourself through it really works and this can be you next. Somehow, some way, a snowflake at a time, we can all have the family we dream of…
Kumari And Fertile Heart Baby



Low AMH 0.01

High FSH 150

Natural Pregnancy; Spontaneous Conception

…Perhaps my story will help someone do the same; to keep choosing the path of possibility even when the obstacles seem insurmountable. Our stories may not turn out the same, but if I learned one thing from the Fertile Heart Ovum practice, it’s that hopelessness is not a fertility friend and self-pity can only lead you down a dead end road…
Fertile Heart Baby Rafaeli with toy in baby seat


High FSH

12 Failed IUIs

Ectopic pregnancy

Arthur and I want to introduce you to our precious baby girl…We are absolutely in love!…We sing and dance with her every day, and we have sung her the Fertile Heart songs. Thank you, Julia, for being you and for helping us meet our precious miracle halfway. I don’t think we would be where we are today if it wasn’t for you. I’m so incredibly grateful to you, and will always think fondly of you, your support and guidance, our sessions together, the visionary circles, and all the gifts I learned and received from you and your Fertile Heart. Every Tuesday evening, regardless of what I’m doing, I feel like I’m supposed to be meeting with you and the beautiful people you gather around you. Julia, you are incredible, and my experiences with you have truly been life-changing. I look forward to our next conversation and more work together soon! Love, Beatrice (a very grateful Fertile Heart mommy)
Womans Legs walking up steps 4 simple steps to re-claiming your fertility and your life

4 Simple Steps

to Re-Claiming Your Fertility & Your Life

Download Julia Indichova’s audio introduction

to the Fertile Heart OVUM Program

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