
Fertile Heart Workshops and Fertility Support Teleconferences

Fertility Support Teleconferences and All Day Workshops

Our fertility support teleconferences and workshops are all about supporting you in becoming your healthiest, strongest self; supporting you in daring to defy statistics and other people’s opinions on what’s possible for you—whether that opinion is voiced by your doctor, your partner or your best friend. So join us when you’re ready. Better yet, don’t wait until you’re ready. Sometimes we need to leap before we think!

For dates and registration click on the links below

– Julia Indichova & the FH Team.

Womans Legs walking up steps 4 simple steps to re-claiming your fertility and your life

4 Simple Steps

to Re-Claiming Your Fertility & Your Life

Download Julia Indichova’s audio introduction

to the Fertile Heart OVUM Program

(You will receive a link to the audio after entering your email below, Please make sure to white list

You will be receiving a link to your Free Audio in your email.