
Reclaiming Our Fertility: No, It’s NOT Just a Numbers Game.

A free workshop with Author Julia Indichova

Thursday April 13th, 2023

4:00PM EDT (New York)


Reclaiming Our Fertility: No, It’s Not Just a Numbers Game is a Free Workshop I’ll be leading on Thursday April 13th. That title was inspired by a recent CBS Series on Infertility.
Dr. Forman told me, “It’s a numbers game.” That’s a quote from Nikki Battiste’s account of her IVF Journey. Ms.Battiste is a CBS news reporter whose story is at the center of the series. Later, Nikki continues to tell us that “…it’s all out of our hands. Our bodies are what they are, and we can only hope they will give us what we hope to have.”
After 25 years of supporting thousands of women and couples on their journey toward parenthood, I say, No, Nikki, no Dr. Forman it’s NOT just a numbers game.
No, we don’t have control over outcome and no, we NEVER EVER want to blame ourselves.
But self blame and victim-hood are NOT our only choices. There is a difference between passive and active hope.
Lotto Balls Blue Background Reclaiming Our Fertility Free Workshop with Julia Indichova
In our FREE WORKSHOP, we’ll use the Fertile Heart Philosophy and toolkit to conceive the answers to the following questions:
  • How does the mechanistic “It’s a numbers game” view of our challenges affect our approach to healing
  • Does what we feel, think and choose to do make a difference in both treatment outcome or a likelihood of spontaneous pregnancy?
  • What can we learn from statistical outliers, the women like Nina,  Heather, Purani, women who beat the odds and conceived spontaneously after multiple failed treatment? in spite of highly improbable odds? Or women like Gosia and Agniezka whose first IVF brought healthy babies in spite of the research that predicted they would likely need 5?
  • How do we use the Fertile Heart toolkit to till the scale of “luck” in our favor?
Come and experience the magic of real connection.
Connecting in real time and in a real way, is what we don’t get to do often enough.So let’s seize the opportunity to do so.
You are most welcome to bring in any questions, whether they have to do with food, or supplements or anything else that’s rising up for you.
I’m SO VERY MUCH looking forward to seeing your face in one of those little Zoom windows!


Dear Julia,

It’s official! I’m at 1030 HCG! I’ve NEVER been pregnant before so it’s a total first at 43!

I did the visualizations from the Fertile Heart Imagery CD’s. I am so excited to keep on doing everything!

Thank you for encouraging me to attend the workshop the second time and also with my husband. As you know we conceived a few weeks after attending the second workshop. Second time for me and first for my husband. I realized afterward that I was doing the work but wasn’t fully committed to what I wanted and to myself. Now, I get to do my next chapter of Fertile Heart. I’m not going anywhere now that I am pregnant.

I need you and Fertile Heart community and the work way too much. Julia, thank you for giving me the gift of your knowledge and heart and generosity and humanity!!!. I am carrying that with me!

Love Suzanne

And 5 months later Suzanne wrote:  “We did hypno-birthing and a lot of other stuff and I keep going back to the Body Truth CD. It’s the best!!”

Julia Indichova is the author of The Fertile Female: How the Power of Longing for a Child Can Save Your Life and Change the World (Adell Press,2007) & Inconceivable: A Woman’t Triumph over Despair & Statistics  (Three Rivers Press 2001 the first book about infertility written from a patient’s point of view. The Fertile Heart™ Ovum Practice is an original fertility enhancing program that emerged through a decade and a half of counseling. Julia Indichova’s work has been endorsed by leading reproductive endocrinologists and her story and program was featured on the Oprah Winfrey Show, Good Morning America, Oxygen, Discovery Health, Huffington Post, and other outlets.  Julia’s profile is featured in the 9 People to Watch This Year (2016) Cover Story of the Hudson Valley Magazine.  After 9/11 Julia initiated The 9// Bowing Project focused on applying the tools of her fertility program to the peace efforts.

Dear Julia

I’m pregnant!!!!!

Thank you very much for your tools that were so helpful during the whole in vitro process, and are even more useful now, when I need to get ready to face all my beautiful orphans again.

I still would love to join the next European circle and of course will keep you posted.

Thank you soooo much for your work!!!!

And 9 months later came this note:

I just want to let you know that we have two beautiful daughters!…They brought so much light, joy and happiness into our lives. As you can see on the attached photo :)

I want to thank you for your work and dedication. I am sure that doing the exercises, listening to the meditations, calls and your book helped me a lot to overcome fears and self-imposed limits on my journey to motherhood.

Julia, thank you from the bottom of my heart. Your work changes lives.

With warm hugs from Warsaw,


Womans Legs walking up steps 4 simple steps to re-claiming your fertility and your life

4 Simple Steps

to Re-Claiming Your Fertility & Your Life

Download Julia Indichova’s audio introduction

to the Fertile Heart OVUM Program

(You will receive a link to the audio after entering your email below, Please make sure to white list

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