
High FSH Success Stories - Natural Pregnancy after POI/POF

Tracy – FSH 46, Natural Pregnancy

I found Julia’s work when I discovered that my FSH was 46 and I was 38 years old.   My daughter was 9 months old and I was trying to conceive my second child.  My Dr. was very kind and direct.  She said that she would recommend trying IUI 3 times and then “give up and either adopt or use a donor egg”.  I tried one IUI and gave up on her. She said that she would not try IVF on me because it would not work.  Later, ok, much, much later, when I developed a sense of humor about my situation I joked that she did not want to mess up her numbers with my old eggs.


Investing in a trip to Woodstock was a crazy leap of faith, But I was compelled to go. Click here for my story.

The news of my ” infertility” completely devastated me.  My husband came home early from work that day after I called him sobbing.  I was inconsolable.  I was embarrassed to be “infertile” and did not tell anyone for over a year of my situation.

I finished Inconceivable the day my husband was having surgery to fix his varicocele and a week after I discovered my diagnosis.   I became hopeful.  The Fertile Female was like food for my soul, so I quickly joined the phone circles and dove in head first into the practice.Fertile Heart Workshops to Overcome Infertility

I jumped on a plane and went to theworkshop and came back with a new renewed hope.  Going to the workshop was a crazy leap of faith, but I felt compelled to go. After the workshop, I decided that medical intervention was not for me, so I changed my diet and saw a naturopath.


The naturopath did not go well.  Here is part of that story. After that I stopped acupuncture and all herbal remedies and stuck with just USANA essentials daily.  Last year we tried one natural IUI which was unsuccessful.

Then, last summer, I started hearing other women on the Julia’s phone circles talking about adoption and donor eggs and how they were ready to walk that path.  I wondered how they had gotten to that point, without feeling like they had “given up”


Tracy with her baby boy

On one of the calls Julia explained that if she hadn’t gotten pregnant then she would have continued to practice the tools because it became a way of life and she would have chosen the next step that would have organically unfolded for her. Last fall that is exactly what happened to me.  As I was faithfully doing my imagery  it became apparent that I was unattached to how our child would chose to come to us.  I just knew that it would happen.  In the fall, after weighing all options, my husband and I decided to adopt.. By December, we were approved and waiting to be matched with a Birth Mom.  We were told that the process was happening quickly and to be ready, because we probably wouldn’t be waiting long.  In the meantime, I continued my imagery and “created space” for life to spark.

Julia talked about that often in the phone circles, but I didn’t believe her.  However, I had NEVER felt better about myself.  I felt alive and hopeful.  It was a great combination.  I also began to notice that the Meeting Your Child Halfway Imagery (the one that’s on the Fertile Heart Imagery Two CD) became an almost palpable experience.

I knew that we would meet out child soon I assumed that it would be through a Birth Mom, but I never “given up” on my own body.  I was open.  I was around 6 weeks pregnant when I took a test.  I did not track periods, ovulation, temperatures or anything of that nature for over 9 months.  I had all of the normal period symptoms so I just kept waiting.  As shocking as it was to see those two dark pink lines, a part of me was not at ALL surprised. Julia’s work helped me to trust, follow the longing and the truth I felt inside.  Even when it was hard, I kept walking.  Sometimes I would stand still and complain and the tears and pain throughout the process were unbearable at times, but it’s all been worth it. Our journey was filled with twists and turns, heartache and joy and I wouldn’t change any of it.   I am 21 weeks and am due this November.

I took the workshop 2 years ago and was a very active phone circle participant for about a year and a half.

I still have Orphans (many, some days) but I trust that everything is and will unfold just as it should.  I will always be grateful to Julia and her amazing work.  During my journey, I lived for the success stories that would occasionally be posted to the Fertile Heart site.  If you are walking toward your child I hope that my story inspires and lifts you up just when you need it.  Trust and keep walking.


Amy – Pregnant Naturally after 3 Miscarriages, High FSH

Dear Julia, I came from Switzerland last summer to attend your workshop. After many fertility specialists telling me my only chance at motherhood would be through egg donation or adoption, I was compelled to come to you because your story so closely resembled my own.

I was diagnosed with entering an early menopause with FSH levels at 33 and 32 in two consecutive months. I had had three miscarriages along the way, and began blaming myself for having “old eggs” and “waiting too long.” I was 38 at the time.
When I googled high FSH and fertility, I found you and quickly read your books. HOPE!

There was someone out there who had high FSH and became pregnant. I knew I had to buy a ticket to attend your workshop. Your approach felt right to me and validated some things I had already started to think and do on my own. That day with you was transformative. I was filled with such energy and passion. I felt like a whole person again, indeed, a “holy human loaf.” In fact, you stood me in the center of the circle and called me that. You have no idea what that moment did for me. I am not even sure I can describe it. You also told the group I could be pregnant in three months. Why not? I had all the parts. I could nurture the “loaf.”

Three months later I became pregnant. I get goose bumps now even typing this. The doctors were completely stunned and kept doing ultrasounds every week in the beginning to “see if it was still there.” They didn’t believe it could possibly be viable, yet I went on to have a normal pregnancy and deliver a healthy baby boy on June 19. His name is Zeph Alexandre Levy. His dad is French and is very much a wind person. Zeph means breeze in French, and we thought it was very fitting. I will send you pictures in another email.

Keep up your wonderful work, Julia! You are an inspiration, and we can’t thank you enough. I would be honored if you used my story along with my name.

My warmest regards, Amy Smearsoll, Switzerland


Overcoming Infertility with Fertile Heart Tools

Jacqueline K., Westchester, NY

At the age of 31 and about to embark on my third round of Clomid (I had been trying to conceive for approximately 15 months at that point), I happened to do a routine FSH and E2 reading on Day 3 of my cycle. The test came back with an FSH of 38! Yes, that is right, a 38 at the age of 31. Needless to say, I was completely shocked when I received this news and the subsequent inevitable “donor egg” speech (which my RE gave me while I was at work, I might add, and within 2 minutes after he gave me the news of the FSH. To say I was devastated would be an understatement, as I am sure many of you understand. A couple of other fertility specialists in NYC re-affirmed that I had premature ovarian failure and that my best chance of conceiving would be with an egg donor. This diagnosis, however, did seem to provide an explanation as to why my cycles, after going off the Pill, had basically become non-existent as well as erratic (the length of my cycles varied between 21 and 42 days). I had lost all hope.

While still absorbing the shock of this news, my husband (who, by nature, is a very positive and optimistic person) went on the web to find any articles out there where someone, anyone, had conceived with a high FSH. And that, of course, led him to Julia Indichova, her book Inconceivable I absolutely loved Inconceivable! This book provided me with strength, confidence and inspiration during a very difficult time in my life. I found Julia to be an exceptional writer who was able to relay the exact feelings I was experiencing. Her suggestions to improve your quality of life and health in a natural manner were extremely helpful and liberating. Everything she said in her book made absolute sense to me. I then learned about one of Julia’s workshops in NYC, which I attended in January. I was subsequently privileged to have several private consultations with Julia. We started working on improving my quality of life, despite what the doctors had told me. My biggest accomplishment, however, with Julia was working through the many emotional issues I had regarding childbirth and pregnancy (by way of discussions and imagery). My father is an obstetrician/gynecologist and at a young age I had been exposed to too many stories and articles about pregnancy and its complications. As a result, I had developed a deep fear of pregnancy, but soon after I started having conversations with Julia, I began having vivid, telling dreams which were very cathartic for me.

Several months into my work with Julia, I found out that I had conceived naturally! My baby is due in March. I know that working with Julia and the Fertile Heart tools, led me to where I am right now and for that, I will forever be indebted to her and her amazing, inspiring Fertile Heart work.

I wanted to convey my story on this website to give hope to anyone who has a high FSH and was told, as I was, that they would not be able to conceive on their own. While it is going to be a battle to win the war (one of the first things my RE told me when I went in to confirm my pregnancy was “This shouldn’t be happening to a person like you, but, for some reason, it is.”—how is that for words of encouragement?), we need to trust ourselves and our inner voices and provide support for each other. We need to believe that anything is possible. Medical doctors do not know everything and, as has been voiced on this website before, FSH is a number. Keep on trying yourselves and be good to yourselves!”


(A few years later, Jacqueline returned to take the Fertile Heart workshop in Woodstock, strengthened her body and heart once again, and became pregnant the old fashioned way with Julia, a beautiful healthy little girl.)

Fertile Heart Ebook and Newsletter

Intro Teleconference with Julia Indichova

Comments are from Fertile Heart™ workshop participants. A number of Julia Indichova’s former clients are also available for interview. Film clips from a currently filmed documentary are available upon request.

Womans Legs walking up steps 4 simple steps to re-claiming your fertility and your life

4 Simple Steps

to Re-Claiming Your Fertility & Your Life

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