
Fertile Heart Audio

Fertile Heart Imagery 1: The Ovum Birthing Practice in Pictures

This is the introductory Fertile Heart Imagery Audio with 18 fertility boosting visualizations to help identify and heal obstacles to a full time pregnancy on a physical, emotional and spiritual level. Each of the carefully crafted imagery sequences in this audio program was born through Julia Indichova’s personal experience and through her counseling work with thousands of clients who sought her guidance after the publication of Inconceivable.

Available for streaming.

Here is what some of the Moms have to say about the unique Fertile Heart Imagery Toolbox.


Body Truth Audio

A fertility and health enhancing movement practice with Julia Indichova. Fertile Heart Body Truth, one of the key tools of the O-V-UM Process, is an original movement practice which evolved out of Julia’s personal experience and her work with individuals who sought her guidance. Through a guided meditation and specific movement sequences the practice allows us to physicalize and release self-defeating beliefs buried deep within our tissues. The body is then free to become an infinitely fertile instrument of creation and an ambassador of truth.

Available for streaming.

Read how other people used this powerful, original  Fertile Heart tool to turn self-defeating “issues in your tissues” into fertility boosting energizers.


Fertile Heart Imagery 2: The Ovum Birthing Practice in Pictures

The Fertile Heart Imagery 2 Audio Program builds on the first, introductory Imagery Program with a more in depth discussion of the Fertile Heart OVUM approach to baby making.

On this more expansive audio program, the equivalent of a 3 CD set, you’ll get to work with 34 carefully crafted visualizations I conceived through more than a decade and a half of counseling. Thousands of women and couples have found in these tools the support they’ve been searching for, birthing healthy babies, often after years of failed medical treatments.

Audio program available for streaming.

Click here for just a handful of the countless love notes about the Fertile Heart Imagery Practice.



Exploring Holistic Fertility Treatment Options

A panel discussion moderated by Julia Indichova This CD offers a unique opportunity to hear four holistic practitioners with extensive experience with fertility issues speak about their work and their approach to reproductive difficulties. Moderated by Julia Indichova. Audio CD or digital download.


Egg Donation as an Instrument of Healing


A Two-Part Program with Dr. Frederick Licciardi and Mothers of Children Conceived through Egg Donation, Facilitated by Author Julia Indichova

Part One: In this segment Dr. Frederick Licciardi, director of NYU Fertility Center’s Donor Program, one of country’s largest centers gives a thorough overview of the egg donation process and generously answers of the moms-to-be on the call. Dr. Licciardi is board certified in obstetrics and gynecology, and reproductive endocrinology, Dr. Licciardi is experienced in all aspects of infertility treatment and surgery. Widely recognized as a thought leader in his field, he is an associate professor at the New York University School of Medicine and a recipient of numerous industry awards.

Part Two:  In the part two of the program, we hear five Fertile Heart Moms sharing their experience with the egg donation process. Listening to their stories, it’s clear that the egg donation journey can become a journey of self-discovery and healing for the parents who choose this path as well as the young woman who decides to be part of their story. The case histories of the moms in the Fertile Heart community are a testament to the potential to use this ART option as a life-affirming pilgrimage for everyone involved.


Womans Legs walking up steps 4 simple steps to re-claiming your fertility and your life

4 Simple Steps

to Re-Claiming Your Fertility & Your Life

Download Julia Indichova’s audio introduction

to the Fertile Heart OVUM Program

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