Meeting Your Child Halfway
a proven mind-body program with author Julia Indichova
to optimize natural conception, IVF success or a blossoming adoption journey
“I just wanted to take a few minutes to say how much I appreciated the visionary circle last night. That video, 2 Parallel Roads, and the additional explanation you gave us yesterday is so powerful…I watched the video again this morning and gained something different after last night’s circle. And I felt the imagery in this video is exactly what I need to be able to surrender more…”
“The Love Making Master Class video was excellent for us, every word so true, it helped us so much with what we are going through. Even if we already had a baby, this could be something that would bring us even closer. High marks for that one😊”
Dear Nonnegotiably Fertile Friend,
Whether you’re looking for natural fertility boosting options, prepping for your next treatment, exploring adoption or just looking to stay fertile till you’re ready for parenthood, the Fertile Heart OVUM Program is about making sure that your longing for a child becomes a gorgeous force of healing in your life. Now, in this 19 segments and more than seven hours of the Meeting Your Child Halfway Video Series, I’m thrilled to be able to offer you step by step guidance on using the Fertile Heart tools at any hour of the day or night.
So, slow down for just a few minutes, take a look at the description of each of the 19 segments below and be sure to check out some of the stories of babies on our testimonial pages, many of whom beat some pretty serious odds.
Then let’s hit the trail together, and meet your child halfway!
Click Above to order the Series
If you have already purchased the Meeting Your Child Halfway Series, click above to log in and view the videos.
“After five losses and being rejected as a patient by one of the top clinics in the country, it feels like a miracle that I was able to get pregnant on my own with a healthy baby. I strongly believe the Fertile Heart work helped make this possible…You have a gift and I am incredibly grateful that you have chosen to share it.”
-Mary P. Chicago (See Mary’s full story in the Chronogram article on our Press Page)
“After five losses and being rejected as a patient by one of the top clinics in the country, it feels like a miracle that I was able to get pregnant on my own with a healthy baby. I strongly believe the Fertile Heart work helped make this possible…You have a gift and I am incredibly grateful that you have chosen to share it.”
-Mary P. Chicago (See Mary’s full story in the Chronogram article on our Press Page)
“I’m pregnant!!!!! Thank you very much for your tools that were so helpful during the whole in vitro process… Julia, thank you from the bottom of my heart. Your work changes lives.”
– Agnieszka from Poland; Twins with First IVF
“I heard you talk about this being a spiritual challenge and what that means but I don’t think I really got it till last night when out of nowhere I decided to watch the Why Me? video.I’m not sure what happened but I woke up this morning feeling different about the whole journey. Now I know what to do when the Why Me orphan shows up which is huge for me, because she shows up a lot. Thank you, Julia!!!”
“I really enjoyed the video this week. I have always thrown around the word mind body without really thinking of what that means. It makes perfect sense that these two are infinitely linked, but I had never really sat with what that truly means.”
“I have to say I really enjoyed the two videos this week. I hadn’t seen either before, and I found myself agreeing with your advice to let life be the guide each step of the way, rather than trying to control the outcome. I also liked how you talked about couples in the first one, and in particular at the end, the section on men who’ve participated in the group and practice. I enjoy doing the exercises together, and I do think they help to give birth to our next steps in life. ”
Part of you—the wise, independent-feeler-thinker part of you—knows there is a better road to your child than the exhausting trail of “ten thousand fertility tips.” There is. Most of us (I’m certainly no exception) have never learned to trust ourselves, so we spend years searching for the next and the next “brilliant expert” to save us. While the most brilliant expert of all is that quiet inner voice that’s been trying to flag us down from the moment we first heard the ludicrous notion of suffering from the “disease of infertility.”
As the great fertility specialist Mahatma Gandhi taught, that wise inner voice can be heard by anyone. But it’s not just a question of intuition or “listening to your gut.” Hearing that still small voice of our inner authority takes some doing. As Gandhi insisted, “it takes definite preparation.” It’s what the Fertile Heart OVUM Practice & Video Series offers:
The tools to enable you to hear the voice of your own most trustworthy inner fertility authority.
Click Above to order the Series
If you have already purchased the Meeting Your Child Halfway Series, click above to log in and view the videos.
“I watched the video session 7 for tomorrow’s circle, in which you define the Visionary: The part of us that can make a choice, and that can follow through on this choice. I was stunned that this could mean to insist on my right to start my treatment. “
“I have been doing the bonus video Birthing the Mother, Birthing the Child every evening and it has been very helpful. Many different aspects coming up. Family issues being healed. My relationship to the baby deepening. Getting in touch with those aspects of myself which are completely out of touch with a pregnancy.”
“V and I watched the video ‘The Human Game Is A Contact Sport.’ It’s really helped us be aware of having Visionary to Visionary conversations as opposed to Orphan to Orphan conversations…Also, your honesty and personal revelations in the video were very open and intimate. It helped us be more honest.”
The session titles and brief descriptions below will give you a sense of what we’ll be doing together.
Session One: Welcome!
What makes this challenge such a unique opportunity? Why is it so crucial for us to become out own most trusted fertility authority? That’s what we’ll focus on in this first segment.
Session Two: Conception Friendly Space
In this session we will focus on the idea of co-creating a conception friendly inner space for conceiving a child and a conception friendly inner space for allowing the ideas of this practice to be implanted and bear fruit for you.
Session Three: Busy Being Born
We’ll be working with one of the central ideas of the I.B.O.W. practice: claiming our power as co-creators of our lives.
Session Four: The Egg of Creation
The OVUM Model as a tool that helps us become clearer about the forces that shape our lives.
Session Five: Love Thyself No Matter What the Pain
Learning to recognize and adore the part of us that might be stopping us from birthing a child and a family.
Session Six: The Ultimate Mom Boulevard
Our aim in this segment is to learn to discern trustworthy guidance.
Session Seven: The Visionary Calling to Be Born
We’ll be learning how to take action on our own behalf, strengthening the seed of the Visionary Parents within us.
Session Eight: You Got Mail
Reading Our Sacred Correspondence, and tuning more deeply into the trustworthy guidance of the Ultimate Mom
Session Nine: Clearing up the Mind-Body Confusion
Our view of ourselves plays a huge part in how inspired we will be to engage in action on our own behalf.
Which is why we’ll be clearing up the mind-body confusion in this segment and offering an energizing view of our bodies and ourselves.
Session 10: Moving, Sleeping & Other Fertility Friendly Habits
We’ll be inspiring each other to raise the bar on the most important fertility friendly habits in this session. Making sure we understand what works and why.
Session 11: Food as an OVUM tool Loving the Body Child
This session is about letting go of the idea of a “fertility diet” and instead looking at food as an OVUM tool that allows us to channel the love we’ve been saving up for the child into loving our body-child.
Session 12: Body Truth – Mixing the Batter of the Holy Human Loaf
If the body is the compass that can point us toward our destination, through Body Truth we learn to use this compass each day to make sure we stay on course.
Session 13: Relationships Part One – The Human Game Is a Contact Sport
In this session we’ll shine a light on our interactions with our partners and learn to be each other’s compassionate midwives.
Session 14: Relationships Part Two – Kiss Me Quick I Feel Fertile
We’ll be zoning in on birthing an exquisitely pleasurable, hot and juicy, sexual, erotic relationship with ourselves and our partners.
Session 15: How Did She Do It – The Eager Expert Syndrome
None of us can do it alone. Which is why this session is about receiving and giving support. The kind of support that allows us to discover our own best possible path to our child.
Session 16: They All Laughed – Lessons from Those Who Beat the Odds
What does it take to beat the odds? What are some of the common traits of people who triumphed over statistics? That’s the topic of this session.
Session 17: The Breakthrough Study
I’ll guide you in turning this challenge into an exciting research project and share with you an important lesson I’ve had to re-learn not only throughout my fertility journey but in many areas of my life.
Session 18: Two Parallel Roads
If we are to truly seize the opportunity that comes with this particular challenge, we must walk toward our child on two parallel roads. That’s what this session is all about.
Session 19: Why Me? – Chosen In Spite of Ourselves
In this last session we get to answer the proverbial “Why Me?” question in a way that keeps us engaged and energized not only until we hold our child in our arms but for the rest of our beautiful human pilgrimage.