
Fertility Foods: 3 Cooking Herbs for an Ovulation Boost


Fresh Green Herbs on Wood Cutting Board

Fertility Foods & Fertility Boosting Herbs

Fertility foods and fertility boosting herbs have been used by wise women of myriad traditions for thousands of years. I don’t think any of us have any doubt that fertility friendly food choices, supplements and herbs can be powerful fertility meds that affect all aspects of the female ovulation cycle.

Knowing exactly what it is that an herb or food can do to liven up your endocrine system, could inspire you to use it more consistently. So read on to learn about cooking with herbs that help boost or even restore ovulation.

For more ideas on using food and herbs to balance hormones and increase fertility, take a look at the Ally in the Cupboard chapter in The Fertile Female. 


Rosemary is known to stimulate menstrual flow, ease cramps and overall regulate the menstrual cycle. You can place a few sprigs of fresh rosemary in a cup and pour boiling water over it for a soothing cup of tea or spice up your soups and stews with this highly medicinal herb.

Fresh Rosemary Fertility Boosting Herb
Fresh Rosemary Fertility Boosting Herb


Parsley supports the liver, one of the the main organs responsible for sweeping out the toxins from the body, and supporting balanced function of endocrine system, adrenal function, and uterine health. (Caution: Ingest parsley only in the first half of your cycle, stimulates uterine activity, implicated in miscarriages.)



Parsley supports the liver, one of the the main organs responsible for sweeping out the toxins from the body, and supporting balanced function of endocrine system, adrenal function, and uterine health. (Caution: Ingest parsley only in the first half of your cycle, stimulates uterine activity, implicated in miscarriages.)


Fresh Rosemary Fertility Boosting Herb


Sage exhibits strong antiviral, and antibacterial properties. (Caution: Again, just like with parsley, ingest only in the first half of your cycle, stimulates uterine activity, implicated in miscarriages.)


Fresh Sage Fertility Boosting Herb

Will the medicine get to where the trouble is?

The endocrine system and the female ovulation cycle is perhaps the most finely tuned system in the body that reflects what it the Fertile Heart OVUM Program we call our “hidden Orphans” in surprising ways. When those injured parts of us  are in charge of nutrient absorption, the fertility foods or the most natural fertility supplements will never get to “where the trouble is.”

I’ve seen clients who stopped ovulating after a death of a parent, after a divorce and in response to a myriad of hidden Orphan-rooted beliefs. For many of these women consistent Fertile Heart™ OVUM practice was a road back to a healthy cycle.

CNN News anchor Alisyn Camerota used the Fertile Heart toolkit to restore ovulation and move on to a successful IVF (twins) and then conceived her 3rd child through a natural conception.

So if you suspect that for you, as for them, a sluggish menstrual cycles mirrors a hunger of the heart, take a look at the imagery sequences in the Fertile Heart Imagery 2 Audio  which focus specifically on ovulation.

Toddler Running Meeting Your Child Halfway
Womans Legs walking up steps 4 simple steps to re-claiming your fertility and your life

4 Simple Steps

to Re-Claiming Your Fertility & Your Life

Download Julia Indichova’s audio introduction

to the Fertile Heart OVUM Program

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