
Fertile Craniosacral Therapy – A Fertility Boosting Healing Modality

Craniosacral Therapy – A Holistic Fertility Treatment Option

Craniosacral therapy is one of the several healing modalities that was popularized as a fertility enhancing treatment through Julia Indichova’s first book, Inconceivable: A Woman’s Triumph over Despair and Statistics. 

Sally’s story, featured below, a case study from Inconceivable, has inspired thousands of women worldwide to seek out the support of a craniosacral therapist.

If you are a craniosacral therapist—or  a practitioner of any other holistic healing modality— and if you are interested in expanding your work with clients experiencing fertility challenges, we’d love to include your name in the upcoming Fertile Heart Resource Network.

All you need to do is fill out the form at this link.  The Fertile Heart Resource Network is scheduled to go live on Father’s Day, June 19. With your support and the help of the many Fertile Heart alums and friends we hope to reach a critical number of providers to meet that due date.

Our brand new Fertile Heart Fertility and Wellness Affiliate Program is another recent project which might be of interest. Be sure to take a look and join us in our mission of turning toward more  sustainable reproductive healthcare.

If you are a Mom or Dad on the scenic road to parenthood, read Sally’s story, and consider including a craniosacral therapist in your support team.

Sally’s Story

I had a lot of very supportive people around me. My friend Susan in Woodstock knew of many women who were having babies later in life. She was never one to listen to statistics. Steve was always very optimistic.

Who you surround yourself with is very important. I really didn’t want to hear anything other than what was going to help me believe in myself. I have strong beliefs about the power of the words we use. If you say to yourself, I can’t do it, I can’t do it, I can’t do it, all day long, it becomes self-fulfilling.

I was thirty-five when I met my husband, Steve. We were neighbors. We lived in this funky old walkup, and one day he helped me carry my packages in. A friend of mine was staying with me for a few days, and after he left she said, “There’s a great guy for you.”

I said to her, “Please, I hardly know his name.” Later when I did find out a little about him I thought, oh, right, this is really what I need! He is seven years younger than me, no thank you, he is a playwright, no thank you. But my friend was right. His age was not a consideration once I got to know him. I thought it would’ve been more of an issue for him, but it wasn’t. Except that he was a little worried about the idea of kids because I was thirty-five, and he felt he was not ready for children. He came to New York to make it as an actor, and the last thing he wanted to do was to strap himself down.

Three years later, after we got married and I started edging toward forty, getting pregnant became more of a pressure. I was nervous about it because so many people around me were having problems. I was with a group of midwives (this was long before I even thought of getting pregnant) for my well-care and they also told me I should start as soon as possible.

We actually got pregnant the first time we tried. I was thirty-nine. We went to the midwives and the test was positive and we had a big two-hour visit with them. It was very exciting. They put us in touch with a group of women gynecologists that they used for amnios.

Dr. H. was very nice. She spent a lot of time talking to us about risk factors. And then she said, “Let’s do an ultrasound and see how far along you are.” We did. It was clearly a blighted ovum that I hadn’t released yet.

That was very traumatic. We had already told family and some friends. But Dr. H. was a remarkably healing doctor. She said, don’t worry, it’s a good sign that you got pregnant so fast. As we were waiting to go in for the D & C, she was holding my hand, and we talked about books and music. She helped us turn a traumatic situation into a healing event. I felt very turned around by it.

We started trying again soon after, and we were having problems. I cried every time I got my period. I started charting my ovulation. It seemed I was taking my temperature every five minutes. This went on for over a year. Steve was getting a little impatient, and one day after I got my period he said we should go and talk to Dr. H. and have some tests. We did a semen analysis for him. But somehow every time I scheduled a test for me, something came up and I ended up canceling the appointment.

I resisted going the medical route. I had friends that did a lot of intervention and I saw some of them getting very angry and bitter about the whole process. I wanted to, if at all possible, stay out of that cycle.

Then one day my friend Mark, a pediatrician, said to me, “I’ve heard of Diane D, a craniosacral therapist who has been very successful with infertility problems.” He explained that the treatment was based on the idea that the body functions as a closed hydraulic structure and blockages can create organ or immune system dysfunction. The therapist uses a gentle hands-on approach to remove those blocks. Mark knew one of Diane’s patients personally, and she had been trying to get pregnant for a long time. He handed me her card. I have a very clear memory of Mark telling me this. Something in me went, this is it.

When I first went to Diane, she asked a lot of questions about my history. Not medical history but emotional history, difficulties in my past, any unresolved issues that I felt may be blocking me emotionally. That’s very much part of the work.

During the session Diane would touch various points on my head. Sometimes she was even inside my mouth, gently pressing on the roof of my mouth. Or she would touch points near my ovaries. Most the time I was very quiet. I was there for an hour and a half and often I said very little.

Then one day I said something or she touched a point near my temples and I started to cry. I think my work with Diane helped release a great deal of emotional and physical stress. Stuff that had been there for a long time and got stirred up by the pressures of the previous year.

I started having unbelievable dreams about babies. In one dream there was an image of a bull’s-eye and then a baby flowing out of it.

One weekend, about two months after I had started my work with Diane, we spent a week at our summer home in Woodstock. I got my period and I was really sad. I asked my friend Susan to take a walk with me around Cooper lake. The weather had been strange. One day it was really cold and the next day it got warm. The lake was frozen, but it was starting to melt. It was dusk and there was all this steam coming off the lake. We were walking along a little path. On one side of us was a marsh.

Suddenly I looked over and I saw a beaver swimming across the lake with a stick in his mouth. As we were watching him three swans swam into our field of vision. I looked at Sandy and I said, “This is my sign.” I sat down and wrote it down in my journal.

Next month my period was late. I didn’t say anything to Steve. He didn’t keep such close track of my cycle, he usually just knew by my crying that I got my period. We were up at Woodstock again, and he went out for a run. While he was out, I did one of those home pregnancy tests. When Steve got back I had it wrapped in a foil with a ribbon on it. I said to him, “I bought this for you, it’s just a silly little thing.” He was standing there, sweating, and he opened it and there it was.

I had a great pregnancy and an amazing birth.

I remember when I first started seeing Diane she said to me, “Put away the thermometer, put away the calendar and just be together.” And that was so freeing. That really helped. Not keeping track. It used to make me so uptight.

I work with children and families who have to face tough diagnoses, and I know that it makes all the difference in the world how you approach your treatment and how you approach your body. Whether what you hear from people is sensitivity and caring and belief, or papers and numbers and statistics.

Going through infertility can be such a devastating experience. You are so vulnerable to begin with. You are so much on that precipice of judging yourself completely by what is happening to you. Wanting a baby desperately as if somehow this is the thing that’s going to make you whole. And hating it at the same time. You keep denying that you need it to be whole. You say to yourself, oh I don’t really need this, it won’t really matter if I never have a kid.

But I’ll spend twenty thousand dollars more on in vitro to try. That’s what a lot of people I know are going through. They are caught up in it. I think you have to be forgiving of yourself, to stop feeling like you failed, when things don’t work out the way you wish they had.

Womans Legs walking up steps 4 simple steps to re-claiming your fertility and your life

4 Simple Steps

to Re-Claiming Your Fertility & Your Life

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to the Fertile Heart OVUM Program

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