
All Day Fertility Workshop with Julia Indichova – Details

Dear Unquestionably Fertile Friends,

Thank you again for registering for the Meeting Your Child Halfway workshop! I can’t wait to meet you and share this beautiful practice with each of you!

KINDLY READ THIS ENTIRE DOCUMENT CAREFULLY especially the part of what to bring.  

You should be receiving directions to the Fertile Heart Studio in an email. Please contact us at, if you do not receive the email with directions within 24 hours after registration.

I remember the workshop like it was yesterday and I think alot about if I hadnt had the courage to say no to your question. If I had said yes, and continued to pretend that everything was good and I was strong and I did believe I am not sure I would be where I am today. I was so sick in the hotel that night and I think my body was telling me that it is time to stop pretending that everything is ok. But I could not have done it without you because you believed in me and you knew that good things could be possible for me. And that faith, the faith I have never experienced before, allowed me to have the courage to believe it myself.

Today is the anniversary of my workshop! Can you believe it? And today I am a mom…I will write more later as I have more time but I wanted to say thank you so much on the anniversary of this day to acknowledge what an amazing and powerful experience those hours were. Thank you for opening your home and sharing your expertise with me…. I was so sick in the hotel that night and I think my body was telling me that it is time to stop pretending that everything is ok. But I could not have done it without you because you believed in me and you knew that good things could be possible for me. And that faith, the faith I have never experienced before, allowed me to have the courage to believe it myself.

If you could please read this page carefully, read the testimonials on the website, and view the video listed below, chances are all your pre-workshop questions will be answered.

If you do still have questions, by all means email me.

A few answers to the most frequently asked question:

Should my partner attend?

In the last decade and a half, pretty much every workshop had women alone as well as couples. Many couples have told me how moving and important the joint experience of the workshop was for them. At the same time, it is just as valuable to experience the day on your own. It has often happened in the past that women will attend on their own and the attend the second time with their partner. It also happens the other way around. Since the workshop is different each time, simply because the participants are different and it’s a beautiful, experiential, highly interactive day, it’s not unusual for people to attend several times.  Watching the video about the workshop (see link below) with your partner might help both of you make a decision about attending alone or together

Is the all day workshop different from the teleconferences? 

Yes, quite different. Although we do cover similar themes there is no substitute for a face to face experience. People often choose to participate in both.

How many people attend? 

I limit the number at the moment to 18 people.

What it the ratio of couples versus women on their own? 

That ratio is different with every workshop but in the last twenty years, pretty much every workshop had both; women on their own and couples.

My partner only values science based approaches to fertility, I don’t know if he would find this work legitimate.

Every single idea that I teach has been validated by studies. The only difference is that I teach those ideas in a fresh, original, accessible way. That becomes pretty clear to anyone with a half open mind pretty soon after they enter our studio.

A couple of important notes about registration and cancellations, to avoid misunderstanding:  Cancellations will be honored up to 48 hours prior to the workshop.

Cancellations by Fertile Heart: Since we humans are not in full control of all of life’s circumstances, Fertile Heart reserves the right to cancel or re-schedule the workshop with minimum notice. Please bear this in mind when making travel arrangements. If we need to cancel or re-schedule, full refunds will, of course, be issued, but we will not be responsible for any expenses linked to changing travel arrangements.

Please remember to bring:

  1. Lunch
  2. A couple of bottles of water
  3. Copy of The Fertile Female if you have one (you do NOT NEED to own a copy, we will have studio copies for you to during the workshop, if you don’t have your own)
  4. A pen and notebook You are welcome to briefly note something during the day: a word, a sentence that catches your attention, but the value of the workshop comes from your full experience of it in community. The material we cover is in The Fertile Female and the CD’s. What you cannot find in those resources is the experiential aspect of the workshop, our relationship to each other and the conception friendly space we co-create when we fully engage with one another. Note taking takes you out of the experience and becomes distracting to me and the group and I will ask you to let go of it during the day.
  5. A pair of warm socks

If you are attending the workshop as a couple, it would be useful for both of you to read Inconceivable. Mostly because people enter the studio with a higher level of openness after reading that story. If you’re receiving this note too close to the date of the workshop, please have your partner at least take a look at a few of the chapters in the book.

If reading the book is not possible, then please read the Chronogram article about my work.

I also ask that you please take the time to view the ten minute video about the workshop on this page  to give you a deeper sense of what becomes possible when one commits to the Fertile Heart™ OVUM Practice.

As I said earlier, you do not need to own or have read The Fertile Female before attending. If you do decide to buy it,  it would be a great help if you could get it from Amazon or from your local Barnes and Noble. We’re trying to let those outlets know that there is interest in the book otherwise they’ll stop carrying it.

Although the official workshop hours are 11:00AM – 6:00PM, we sometimes run late, so please be prepared to stay a bit later if needed.

One more suggestion:

From today until the day of the workshop, before you go to sleep say to yourself: I’m remembering my dreams and I’m writing them down when I wake up. And then write down everything you remember, even if it’s just a snippet.

The work I have come to call the Fertile Heart OVUM Birthing Practice, has enlarged my life in the last two decades in ways I could never have imagined.

I’m hugely grateful for the opportunity to pass on the gifts I’ve received from it.

Julia Indichova

Womans Legs walking up steps 4 simple steps to re-claiming your fertility and your life

4 Simple Steps

to Re-Claiming Your Fertility & Your Life

Download Julia Indichova’s audio introduction

to the Fertile Heart OVUM Program

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