
What a Difference: To Those of You who Wish to Join our Awesome Visionary Moms Community as Members

To All Superbly Fertile Visionary Moms,

For those of you who have been or wish to be, part of our Visionary Moms Tele-Circles, this intends to be a special thank you note and a step toward raising the value of the work we do in this group for all of us.

I am unspeakably grateful  that you trust me to be part of your journeys, not just for the seven hours of the workshop, or three weeks of the teleconference, but for whatever time it takes for you to meet YOUR CHILD halfway. (Or however long you decide to be part of this circle.)   I LOVE the Visionary Moms group because it’s a space in which I, along with each of you, get to use the tools with a community of like-hearted individuals.  I get to witness the countless small and large miracles that show up for those of us, who engage with this work at some level of respect and consistency.   expectation infertility fertile heart

How do I give more?

And because my relationship with this group is so precious to me, I keep asking myself, how do I give more? How can this work become an even more powerful “fertility drug” that will bring you closer to the child and closer to the life you long to live?

Many of my colleagues, the members of our Fertile Heart team, and in fact several of you, have been encouraging me to raise the fees for my live events, especially for the Visionary Moms circles. I’ve been hearing it a lot, “You should be charging more, Julia. Don’t you know that in our culture, money equals value, you are not expressing the value of this work fairly enough through your registration fees.”

My dilemma

One thing I do agree with, in our culture, and certainly in the baby making world, something that costs thousands of dollars is often seen as a sure-fire fix and commands respect.

So I asked myself, if I’m not willing to raise our fees, what else, aside from money, can I ask for, that will raise the value of this group for everyone and support me as a leader on this community in giving more?

I’ve come up with what feels like a useful solution.

A useful solution

If you’ve attended the workshop or heard the stories on our teleconferences, you know that many people don’t consider this work until they’ve done everything else. For years. Something I’ve been wrestling with for a long time, is the frustration of meeting so many women who say, “If only I had known about this work five years ago.”  Some of them tell me that they actually heard or even read my first book, but thought that the I.B.O.W. Practice was, as one person put it, “another organic- &-gluten-free-living course, and I’ve had enough of those.”

What I think has been missing, are flesh and blood human beings who share with other flesh and blood human beings something that has been helpful for them.  Secrecy and the shame linked with a fertility challenge, makes “spreading the word” that much more difficult.  So, I said to myself, what a difference it would make,  if each of you were to reach out periodically with a short note about the The Fertile Female, or our circle, or the ideas of this practice that have made the journey more meaningful for you.

Not a big deal and yet what a difference it could make

So instead of the higher registration fees, that’s what I decided to ask for: one small act of goodwill and validation that what you and I are doing here, has been of value to you beyond the cost of the registration fee.

To be sure, the action I’m asking for can be  accomplished while fully protecting your privacy and takes anywhere between 15 minutes to a half hour of your time every six weeks. (each time you wish to register for a new series) As I see it, if you were to do it from a genuine place of caring, it’s the kind of action that can strengthen your own sense of yourself as someone who can, and is, making a difference in reducing the damage we are doing to ourselves, our children and all of creation through the use of unnecessary medical technology.

Okay, sweet friends, if you are still reading, and if you wish to join our wild n’ wonderful group of fiercely fertile rabble rousing Visionary Mamas, email me at with,

Yes, count me in, and please send me the document with suggestions on specific outreach action that is most useful!

I love you and I thank you for being the gorgeous generous healers each of us is called to be!



Womans Legs walking up steps 4 simple steps to re-claiming your fertility and your life

4 Simple Steps

to Re-Claiming Your Fertility & Your Life

Download Julia Indichova’s audio introduction

to the Fertile Heart OVUM Program

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