
Fertility Support 3 Session Series Guidelines


Fertility Support

I participated in your teleconference calls last August/September…It was really magical!…
Julia, it is incredible how you can help people being so faraway… you have a veeeeery positive power!… ! Obrigada! Bellow your Brazilian friend, P. that will always remember you! ALWAYS!

To: All Amazing, Astonishingly Fertile Moms-To-Be, Interested in the 3 Session Introduction to the Fertile Heart Ovum Program 

As always, first I’d like to congratulate you on following your longing! As someone who strives to do the same every single day of my wonderful life, I know how much courage that takes.

In response to requests over the years, I’m thrilled to be offering this 3 Part Fertility Support Series. Thank you for your interest in being part of it!   Just to be clear, this series is specifically geared toward women who are trying to conceive, whether naturally or with the help of ART, donor egg, surrogacy or any other way.

I’ve articulated the overall purpose and content of our sessions in the online description of the series. This document contains a few additional pieces of information to make sure this is the resource you’re looking for. The baby journey is a highly emotionally charged subject and in order to create a conception-friendly, sacred space, it’s always useful to make sure that we all agree on following certain basic guidelines. They will make it possible for us to engage in a mutually respectful relationship as we embark on this exciting and yes, challenging, adventure in self-discovery. So, here is what you might like to know:

  • This is a pre-paid series, which means that you will have a core group of women (this is a women only circle) to engage with during the 3 sessions you have signed up for.
  • You will be encouraged to email me with any questions or topics you’d like covered and I will do my best to accommodate you.
  • I ask that you dial in on time and if for any reason you can’t get through, keep trying for a few minutes and then send me an email at I will close the “doors” to the teleconference 10 minutes after the session has started. However, the first few minutes of the session are important attunement and grounding times for each individual and the group, so please be on time.
  • I will be assigning homework between sessions. Of course, the completion or the extent to which you engage with these mini assignments is entirely up to you. No one will be asked to leave the group or be penalized in any way for not completing the work. Having said that, the more you engage, the more you will gain.
  • Some of the sessions might be recorded for my personal use only. To protect the privacy of the participants, the recordings will not be available for replay, and you will not be reimbursed for missed sessions.  The opportunity for the particular kind of healing offered in this short series happens out of our real time exchange. Lots of healing can happen through simply listening to CD’s and recorded sessions but that’s not what this series is about.

What I Cannot Offer within the Boundaries of this Series:
Every ounce of guidance that I suggest when I engage with someone during a workshop or Teleclass is a result of deep consideration for your current circumstances and anything else I can glean from our interaction. The guidance is also a result of our engagement with one another in real-time. It is impossible for me to offer the same level of guidance through emails. As I noted earlier, I WELCOME your questions and look forward to responding to as many of them as possible during the call. Thank you very much for your understanding in this regard.

That said, you are also always welcome and encouraged to email me with a specific topic that you’d like support with BEFORE THE CLASS. I can’t guarantee that I will cover everyone’s request but all of us on the birthing trail are ultimately fighting the same inner battles. So if you stay open, there is much that can be gained from someone else’s process during the call.

To prepare for the first session I ask that you please do the following:

After registering, as noted on the registration page, you will be prompted to fill out a questionnaire.  YOU WILL NOT BE RECEIVING THE DIAL IN NUMBER UNTIL I HAVE YOUR FILLED OUT QUESTIONNAIRE. Since this is a highly charged subject, I need to know who is going to be part of this circle.

1) Your name and phone contact information. If your registration fee was paid through a different paypal address, be sure to let me know about it and include the best email contact information.   


Thank you again for joining our community, here’s to miracles!

Julia Indichova


Womans Legs walking up steps 4 simple steps to re-claiming your fertility and your life

4 Simple Steps

to Re-Claiming Your Fertility & Your Life

Download Julia Indichova’s audio introduction

to the Fertile Heart OVUM Program

(You will receive a link to the audio after entering your email below, Please make sure to white list

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