
Fertility Drugs May Reduce Chance Of Conceiving: New IVF Hazard Comes To Light

By on January 27, 2007

“Another IVF health hazard, unknown to patients but widely discussed amongst fertility experts, has been dragged from the shadows. According to British specialists, the powerful drugs used to stimulate egg production can actually make women less fertile and keep them from getting pregnant.

The doyen of British IVF, Lord Robert Winston, told the Sunday Telegraph: ‘The trend is to get as many eggs as possible, but that may be counterproductive. From the research we’ve done, the main risk is that doing this produces chromosomal damage in at least half, if not 70%, of eggs. New studies are needed to prove the drugs are causing the damage, but it is my strong suspicion that this is the case.'”

SOURCE: BioEdge Weekly Newspaper, Number 230. December 2006

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