
Fertility Support Teleconference GMT Registration ALL

Fertility Support Series for Visionary Moms GMT:

Shameless Desires

Member Fee: $108/series of 3

I want to thank you again for all your blessings. I still remember your workshop in Woodstock, and the phone circles...I also believe your work...gave me the power to manifest a healthy baby girl this time around. Life is busy with 2 under 2 but I am in gratitude. Relina (Relina also conceived her 1st child naturally after failed IVF's)

I want to thank you again for all your blessings. I still remember your workshop in Woodstock, and the phone circles…I also believe your work…gave me the power to manifest a healthy baby girl this time around. Life is busy with 2 under 2 but I am in gratitude. Relina (Relina also conceived her 1st child naturally after failed IVF’s)

Member Couple Fee: $135/series of 3

Participant Fee: $255/series of 3

Dates of this series: Mondays July 31, August 14, 28.  The pre-requisite for being a member of this group is  the 3 Session Introductory Series.* (See note at bottom of this document)

Note: Please click here for updated guidelines for this group prior to each series and to clarify the difference between Members & Participants

At times there is  a short waiting list for this group. To check about space and request an invitation to participate as a Member or Participant, send a note to   Thank you!


Dear  Supremely Fertile Friends,

Chances are you’ve heard me say this before but here it is again: the OVUM Birthing Practice is a practice, and the more you engage with it, the easier it becomes to access the guidance of your inner Fertility Authority Then, the  more grounded you are in your own truth, the easier it is to choose the next best step on your journey.

This group is intended to be a circle of fertilehearted humans who wish to continue to discover how much power they have to create change in their own bodies, in their personal lives and the life of the larger human family. 

The intention of this ongoing group continues to be the same as in the introductory sessions, to offer you the support you might need to:

• Keep engaging with the practice before the heartache of multiple failed fertility treatments, or before you spend a year “dabbling” in imagery or Body Truth without fully following through on either.

• To deepen your understanding of the I.B.O.W. ideas and tools and to continue to identify and overcome the specific inner obstacles that keep you from becoming a parent.

• To offer you a chance to ask questions and feedback on your particular circumstances. (This is a larger group and I might not always be able to address each person’s issues, but ultimately we all wrestle with the same questions.)

• To deepen your understanding of the difference between being a passive observer of infertility politics and becoming a game-changer dedicated to turning the tide of Reproductive Technopoly* toward sustainable reproductive healthcare.

• To heed the call of our not-yet-born children to become agents of hope and change in our much-in-need-of-evolution human family.

In addition to working with various themes and deepening our understanding of the I.B.O.W. tools, the topics covered will also be determined by the ongoing needs of participants. Before registering kindly read the guidelines and the note below about the materials you’ll need for the class. Most of you own them from the Introductory Series, but just to make sure you have all you need for full participation in this group.

I’m thrilled that you’ll be joining us and can’t wait to hear your voice on the next call.


Note about logistics of calling in to the teleconference and about materials:


You will be making a long distance call, so having a good long distance plan is useful. You are welcome to call through Skype but often Skype connections create static on the line and you might need to be on mute for the duration of the call or hang up. Often the same is true for cell phones. I guess, to me, a preparation for parenthood includes having a landline. A growing volume of research points toward health and environmental damage of extensive cell phone use.


I will be suggesting specific home practice assignments from each of the following supplemental resources. (Many people who join the teleconferences already own the CD’s and books, which is why I did not include them in the fee for the program. The books are available on Amazon and all bookstores, the CD’s are only available through

Fertile Heart™ Imagery CD

Fertile Heart™ Imagery 2

Fertile Heart™ Body Truth CD

The Fertile Female


These materials will give you a rich repertoire of Fertile Heart remedies to choose from. It’s a one time only investment that will be a resource not only for your baby journey but for every other creation you long to bring forth. (You could probably get all three CD’s and books for the average fee of one fertility acupuncture sessions

Note: Because of the emotionally charged nature of the subject matter, the facilitator reserves the right to withdraw the invitation to participate from anyone at any point during the ongoing workshops or teleconferences. We appreciate your understanding.

*Technopoly. a term coined by the late cultural critic, Neil Postman. is a system wherein technology is always viewed as positive and of value, with little consideration of its consequences. “It is the kind of friend” writes Postman “that asks for trust and obedience because its gifts are truly bountiful. But, of course, there is a dark side to this friend. Its gifts are not without a heavy cost.”

Womans Legs walking up steps 4 simple steps to re-claiming your fertility and your life

4 Simple Steps

to Re-Claiming Your Fertility & Your Life

Download Julia Indichova’s audio introduction

to the Fertile Heart OVUM Program

(You will receive a link to the audio after entering your email below, Please make sure to white list

You will be receiving a link to your Free Audio in your email.