
Infertility Statistics, Fertility Statistics and the Human Game

People often ask me about statistics and my success rates.This is a brief answer I wrote to those questions in 2012:

“I started leading informal free support groups in our apartment in Manhattan soon after my “inconceivable” baby was born. After the publication of Inconceivable, I began teaching roughly ten workshops a year. In the last sixteen years I worked with approximately  3500 people in in-person workshops and a hundreds of additional women through my International Phone Support Circles.

No formal system is in place for documenting statistics, we simply have no resources to do that.  Aside from lack of resources, what I teach is common sense, and well tested, science based ideas which I teach through an original, elegant systematic healing modality, called the Fertile Heart OVUM Practice, aka as I.B.O.W, the Indichova Baum Ovum Work. I’m coming from a place of gratitude when I say it’s beautiful the same way I come from gratitude when I call my children beautiful

Although the ideas I teach are common sense, sadly with the rise of the Infertility Technopoly* they’re becoming less and less common.Infertility-Statistics-Fertility-Statistics


Having said all that, sometimes participants themselves will stay in touch and keep track of numbers. We’ve had workshops in which 8 out of 11 women became pregnant within five months. These were couples who have been trying on the average 3-5 years.

In my New York support group of 13 women who attended on a regular basis, 9 had biological children, 3 adopted and one person continued her journey after the end of the group.

After many of the workshops there is at least one couple that conceives naturally within a few weeks of attending. The inner shift in attitude and the tools that change people’s inner reality about what is or isn’t possible translate into results for everyone who follows through.

Biological Child

Often, and this does depend on the degree of commitment to the practice, that result is a biological child. But for every woman who chooses to follow the Fertile Heart Ovum road  the  result is a healthier, more meaningful, more fulfilling life.”

That’s what my work is primarily about: making sure this challenge becomes the best thing that ever happened in a person’s life.

A good page to read in response to the statistics question is Low Cost IVF, Fully Confidential: 

And my Welcome Video might also be useful in response to the statistics question.

Here’s to ditching the number game and learning how to fully play the human game!


Technopoly: A term coined by the late cultural critic, Neil Postman. is a system wherein technology is always viewed as positive and of value, with little consideration of its consequences. “It is the kind of friend” writes Postman “that asks for trust and obedience because its gifts are truly bountiful. But, of course, there is a dark side to this friend. Its gifts are not without a heavy cost.”

Womans Legs walking up steps 4 simple steps to re-claiming your fertility and your life

4 Simple Steps

to Re-Claiming Your Fertility & Your Life

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to the Fertile Heart OVUM Program

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