
Julia Answers the Most Frequently Asked Questions about the 3 Session Intro Series

Dear Splendidly Fertile Friends,

I thank you for your interest in the 3 Session Introductory Intensive Series, I love teaching this practice and hope to have the pleasure of working with you!

This page  hopes to answer the most frequently asked questions, but if there is anything else we can clarify, please do not hesitate to contact us at  

Can I use Skype to dial in?

If at all possible a landline or mobile phone is best, but you can also absolutely use Skype to call the dial-in number. Just be aware that we are not using Skype at our end. We do not have a Skype ID. You would simply be using Skype as a less expensive carrier. If you’re making an international call, the US country code is 1. You can also check this page for instruction on calling from your location.  You might want to try making the call prior to the session to make sure you don’t encounter any problems.

Do I need to have the CD’s?

As noted on the registration page, the answer to the question of whether or not you should have the CD’s for the calls is this: yes, ideally you should have the 3 CD’s  (Fertile Heart Imagery, Fertile Heart Imagery 2, Fertile Heart Body Truth.  Many of the people joining us already have the toolkit.)

But if that’s not something you wish to do at this point, for the duration of the series you’re absolutely fine to own nothing more than The Fertile Female. (I’m partial to “real” books, but the FF  is now also available on Amazon Kindle and you don’t need to own a Kindle to read it.) You can then get the CD’s when and if you feel compelled to do so.  The CD’s will simply give you access to a different level of materials and allow you to dive much deeper into the work.

 Do I get to engage directly with Julia on the call?  

Yes, you most certainly will be able to engage directly with me on the call.  In fact I encourage everyone to do that as much as possible. For these intro calls I usually stay on the line as long as I need to, to answer everyone’s questions.

Are recording of the call available to participants?

You will receive detailed home practice suggestions and you will have ample opportunity for questions, but we’re engaging with an emotionally charged subjects and the privacy and feeling of a safe space is a priority for me. Making the calls available would significantly change the dynamics of these calls. So no, recordings of the sessions are not available to participants.  

 What is the size of the group?

I limit the number to roughly 25 participants

What is the structure of the calls:

At each session we work with a different key concept and tool of the Fertile Heart OVUM Program. I then work with people individually, putting the ideas we covered into practice. You also receive specific homework suggestions to deepen your understanding of the tools, and apply them to your specific needs.

Hope to hear your voice on the next call.

Here’s to birthing your family and your most deliciously fertile Self!



Womans Legs walking up steps 4 simple steps to re-claiming your fertility and your life

4 Simple Steps

to Re-Claiming Your Fertility & Your Life

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to the Fertile Heart OVUM Program

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