
Meeting Your Child Halfway Imagery

from the Fertile Heart Imagery 2 Audio Program with Julia Indichova

Child with outstretched arms running in field to mother

Meeting Your Child Halfway Imagery with Julia Indichova

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“…I got the book as fast as I could it and read it voraciously.  Suddenly, I felt like there might be something I could do to change things and to heal.  I immediately looked up Julia online and decided to attend her workshop in Woodstock.  It was such an emotional experience for me… I had already started my third IVF cycle at the time and figured I would go through it while doing Julia’s work…However a few weeks later my third IVF cycle ended with a miscarriage at 6 weeks.  We had only had one fertilized egg so it felt to me like we were back to square one.  To make matters worse the RE handed me a prescription for Valium, and told me there was nothing left they could do for me and shooed us out of their office as quickly as they could.  She said we needed to move forward to adoption, donor eggs, and a clinic for really severe cases.  I experienced deep mourning after that loss and felt completely hopeless.   In that moment I emailed Julia and I she replied that she believed I could turn things around.  I wasn’t sure about that, but I was willing to follow her and try.”   Dalia conceived her twin girls naturally.

twin girls in mother's arms
I’m a cancer survivor who was thrust into early menopause at the age of 20 to save my life. I, too, attended Julia’s workshop when she was here in San Francisco. It was pretty awesome. The moment I decided to go I knew I was doing something great for myself, and for my future. When I went there I had been struggling with the possibility of egg donation for 6 years…
At the workshop and afterward I found I was reaching a space that finally allowed me see that I had options to create our family. And that I wasn’t less of a mother, woman, person, catholic, or wife for seeking generosity from and egg donor.
Along with diet and imagery I really delved deep into my “tissues” as Julia says. Through imagery, blogs, reading her books, the retreat and conference calls I did that. It was very powerful.  I also used the vitamins she recommended which I loved and felt really good using. We are now 4 1/2 months pregnant with two gorgeous beings.
I am proud to carry these spirits into this world and look forward to staying true to myself through the process… Thanks Julia for…your continued work.  I’m so grateful to you I think the work that you do is amazing.  It’s so needed in this world and I really… just really appreciate it.  I wouldn’t be where I am if people like you didn’t come into my life.
-Meghan M., San Francisco, CA
Womans Legs walking up steps 4 simple steps to re-claiming your fertility and your life

4 Simple Steps

to Re-Claiming Your Fertility & Your Life

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to the Fertile Heart OVUM Program

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