
Fertile Heart™ Organic Fertility Food Guide

By on January 12, 2012

Organic FoodsStudies have shown that foods grown organically have a significantly higher level of vitamins, minerals and polyphenols (a group of secondary metabolites which play an important role in endocrine and immune function).

Not only are pesticides carcinogens, and endocrine disruptors that cause acute health problems, they also deplete the soil.  The most desirable are biodynamicly grown crops nourished with specially prepared animal, plant and mineral fertilizers, an approach to farming based on the work of Austrian visionary philosopher, Rudolf Steiner.

Most important fertility foods to buy organic:

  • Meat and Poultry – Antibiotics and steroid hormones added to the feed of commercially raised cattle.and poultry can cause impaired endocrine function, masculinization of females and vice versa, premature puberty and a host of other health problems
  • Grains – Rice and Oats have been found to be the most contaminated


  • Onions and potatoes – the commercially grown variety have been treated with sprout inhibitors which are known to cause cellular changes in animal studies
  • Celery
  • Spinach
  • Green beans
  • Cucumbers Red and Green Bell Peppers – high in neurotoxic residues


  • Strawberries – on some farms strawberies are sprayed with 500 pounds of pesticides per acre
  • Peaches – phosmet found in commercially grown peaches is a carcinogen
  • Apples
  • Grapes
  • Bananas – imported bananas are often treated with benomyl, a pesticide linked with birth defects

Now that you know which items to purchase organic, it is time to start cooking your fertility foods.

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