
The Golden Thread of Hope

 “Yes, it’s a truly beautiful miracle that I found my way here, (to FertileHeart) following the golden thread of a comment on an infertility forum mentioning Inconceivable, that caught my imagination. My unending gratitude to the woman who wrote that, whoever and wherever she is.

A comment by Heartsease on my Fertile Holidays Blog Post

I’ve been hearing about your books for years, but I wish someone would’ve told me how powerful this work really is. I’m scared to think what all the treatments did to my body. But I know I can reverse it with the strength I’m finding in myself now. I just wish I had spent all that money on something better than on hurting myself. Oops…there goes an orphan and a future visionary:)!   Thank you from the bottom of my heart for doing what you do.  

Lisa M., Intro Series Participant

Dear Friends,
Whether you are responding to my call for outreach support because you joined the Visionary group as a Member or you’re simply doing so because this work has made a difference in your journey, I thank you VERY MUCH for hearing me.

As Dr. Deborah Sparr the former professor at Harvard Business School writes in her book, The Baby Business, “the competition is fierce, much of the fertility industry is increasingly marked by significant economies of scale, meaning that firms or IVF clinics must serve a large number of clients simply to cover the cost.”

To me that means that we must do whatever we can to become our own fertility authorities and if we can support each other in doing so, it can go a long way in minimizing  the harm to women’s bodies, the earth and the health of our children. Yes to medical technology if we need it, but no to the exploitation of our fears of childlessness.

A few clarifying suggestions about what is helpful and why.

  1. First the most important thing: I don’t want anyone to spam on my behalf, but there is nothing that inspires action more than a real person’s heartfelt recommendation. So please take a moment to know that your offer to pitch in, could indeed be someone‘s “golden thread” of hope.
  2. Posting a short note mentioning my books or any of thel pages on our site that have been useful to you, (the fertility diet video, information about food, or herbs or miscarriages) in an “infertility chat room,” or message board, or on a blog, could directly reach someone who is currently going through a difficult time.
  3. But even if the posts are not current, if you add something about the topic to that thread, with a link to our site (if a link is allowed) someone who is currently searching for information about the same subject, will find it.
  4. If you are able to post a link, it will be useful in making Fertile Heart more visible to Google and therefore more visible when someone is searching for help.  In other words, the links raise the authority of our site with Google. But it’s REALLY important to respect the rules of the particular site and omit links if they’re not allowed. Pretty much all sites will permit sharing information on books or personal experience with a resource.

How do you find the places for outreach and posting:

You can find places to post by searching for keywords  (unexplained infertility, failed IVF, getting pregnant over 40, how to get pregnant with high FSH, low AMH success stories, etc.)

You can also join one of the more popular fertility sites with message boards. 

If you have any additional questions by all means email me. We will occasionally spend a few minutes on outreach during the Visionary call and I’ll invite any questions or sharing of ideas then.

We, that one person who will benefit from your gesture of caring and I, we both thank you!


Womans Legs walking up steps 4 simple steps to re-claiming your fertility and your life

4 Simple Steps

to Re-Claiming Your Fertility & Your Life

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to the Fertile Heart OVUM Program

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