
9/11 Bowing Project Journal Entry August 11, 2013

By on August 13, 2013

August 11 was a Sunday this year.  I began bowing at my usual spot across the street from Bread Alone bakery.  But minutes after unrollingmy banner I felt I was hiding, being too safe standing there in the shade, apart from the Sunday morning breakfast traffic. So I picked up the easel with the sign and took a post at the edge of the parking lot, in the sun, smack in the middle of the milling crowd.

It made for a more vulnerable and more eventful bowing session.

The first person that stopped by was a man close to my age, sporting a white cotton baseball cap. He read my sign carefully then said, “Did you write this? It’s beautiful.” There was kindness and goodwill in the sound of his voice. I’ve seen him around town. Now I know his name. Peter.

The man who parked his car along the curb across from me and then headed purposefully toward the banner while his wife entered the bakery, stood silently for what felt like a long time reading the banner text, keeping me   company.  Since he was silent, and I was bowing, all I saw were his beautifully polished, elegant brown leather shoes and yet his respect and attention were palpable. In those few minutes of this stranger’s witnessing, I felt connected to what this peace project means to me in a way I hadn’t felt connected to it in quite a  while.

In those few minutes of silent contact, my need to mourn, my desire for a particular kind of dialogue and the sense of urgency I often feel about taking some sort of action, was acutely real.

My last witness was a woman  wearing what looked like an elaborate, carefully assembled costume. A multicolored peasant skirt, a lace trimmed blouse, broad rimmed straw hat, beads. She later told me she was an astrologer and healer. “I don’t bow. I stand straight,” she said. “Bowing is submission. It’s being one of the sheep.” There was aggression in her voice and I felt my puny self-righteous you-don’t-get-it-sister self stirring from slumber. Stop, breathe, I said to myself, then paused and after a few seconds tried to  explain to her what it was I was bowing to and that I was definitely not promoting submission or sheep-hood.

“You have to believe in yourself,” she said before walking away. Which self? I asked.

She then invited me to visit her studio and watch her soul-guidance videos on youtube.

4 Responses to “9/11 Bowing Project Journal Entry August 11, 2013”

  1. Madhu says:

    Excellent words on the banner Julia !!
    It was interesting that you mentioned about the astrologer cum healer and her instant reaction. One thing to learn is never judge one or self without completely knowing the truth. Here’s my perspective on what I understood,I felt that you both were saying the same thing about “self” but it was amazing to see how immediately she judged and jumped to a conclusion. The statement that caught my attention in your banner was that “I am bowing to the part of me who knows the difference between useful and harmful behavior”. No wonder this feeling can arise only if you believe in yourself. That’s when you can bow to your self who is the teacher or a guide. Per our culture, we always bow to the teacher, who is the embodiement of knowledge, wisdom. IN our case, that’s the Ultimate Mom. And yes I DO BOW DOWN TO HER !!!

  2. Robin says:

    Dear Julia,

    It is tremendous courage that continues to bring awareness to what we need to be doing – honoring people and the wonderful miracle that is life.

    My father passed away a little over a week ago and my daughter has many emotional needs that we are persuing help for.

    When time has allowed I have been doing Out of the Trap Fertile Heart Body Truth and the visualization with Garden of Truth from the teleconference about what you want someone to say.

    Blessings to all.

  3. Katy G says:

    I love your bowing project, I always look for it on the 11th of every month now.

  4. Dana says:

    Congratulations on relaying this important message and raising awareness to the power of good within. The woman certainly seemed quick to judge. . .perhaps orphan rooted behavior!

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