Julia Indichova books

The Fertile Female made my heart sing and brought tears to my eyes; it’s full of wisdom and truth, and it reads like a prayer. Bravo, Julia Indichova!”

— Christiane Northrup, M.D., author of Mother-Daughter Wisdom and Women’s Bodies, Women’s Wisdom

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Natural Fertility

Unexplained Infertility
Unexplainable Fertility?

To be unable to conceive; to go through a battery of fertility testing and then be told you have unexplained infertility, can send anyone into a tailspin of despair. Especially when the experts said you were an easy case, but here you are 6 failed IUI’s and 3 Failed IVF’s later, and now you’re a “poor responder” to fertility drugs. In the Fertile Heart OVUM Program successful treatment for unexplained infertility starts with tuning in to the guidance of your own body and heart and the natural fertility expert within.

Are You a Statistic?

After decades of research, IVF or egg donation is not a guarantee of pregnancy. Something about conception makes it clear that we are more than a collection of well designed organs. But a failed IUI, or failed IVF can be the start of real healing. The whole-person Fertile Heart OVUM approach :

For a shot of inspiration take a look at the Fertility Success Stories video, to hear how the I.B.O.W. Program helped others turn their failed IUI’s and even multiple failed IVF’s into a chance to birth healthy babies and fertile lives.

A Failed IUI or a Failed IVF Can Be the Start of Real Healing

Success rates with infertility treatments vary greatly. There is no shortage of studies to point toward the link between a woman’s age, and stress level and her chances of successful IVF treatment. Egg quality and advanced maternal age is what we hear when it’s another failed IVF , failed IUI, or a chemical pregnancy. But maybe when we look deeper than “stress” & stop turning the biological clock into a time bomb, maybe then an old fashioned conception or success with IUI after a failed IVF is quite within reach.

The Most Natural Fertility Treatments Start with Knowing Yourself

The I.B.O.W. program includes a unique way of working with food and fertility supplements and designing your very own fertility diet and natural fertility treatment protocol, if you decide to take a break from assisted reproduction. You can also use the food and supplement guidance to augment your IVF or egg donation treatment. Everything you do with food, herbs, or the Fertile Heart mind body tools will increase egg quality and boost your chances of conceiving the family you long for. And when those two lines finally show up on your pregnancy test, take a look at the do’s and don’ts of choosing the best prenatal vitamins for you and the baby. The journey to become your healthiest, most fertile self continues.

Natural Fertility Advocate/Author/Activist Julia Indichova

Welcome! The pilgrimage toward a second child and all that I learned through it has enlarged and in many ways saved my life. The tools of the Fertile Heart practice and the power they hold to create change, continues to amaze me.

What I've also learned through this particular challenge and journey is that real growth and healing requires consistent commitment, and inner work. The most common misunderstanding about the story I shared in Inconceivable is that getting pregnant depends on finding the right acupuncturist, massage therapist, or yoga class and following a generic "fertility diet."

All of those resources can be helpful but if we don’t fully engage in our own healing we miss a most important resource.

Perhaps at some point I'll have a chance to meet you in person. In the meanwhile, keep walking. And remember, you don't need to "make it happen."

All you need to do is meet your child halfway!


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to the Fertile Heart OVUM Program

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