
Mourning Newtown: How Red Does a Red Flag Need to Get?

By on December 18, 2013











I was reading the NYT piece about JP Morgan’s culpability in the Madoff scam, the red flags they missed and the penalty they must now pay.

And I couldn’t help but think about the ten thousand missed red flags of behavior that begged to be addressed by someone somewhere, the missed red flags that led to the unthinkable horror at Sandy Hook, Tucson, Aurora, and to so many other acts of cruelty.

Am I willing to be accountable for the warning I miss by turning a blind eye on the peculiar behavior of a  neighbor, a classmate, a co-worker?.

And is the death of other people’s children in so many corners of the world a penalty high enough to alert me  to the next splotch of scarlet on the horizon?




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