Whether your children have already materialized in physical form or they’re still cruising in the over-world, the umbilical cord of longing is already attached to your heart and that qualifies you for the Mommy Clan.
Whether your children have already materialized in physical form or they’re still cruising in the over-world, the umbilical cord of longing is already attached to your heart and that qualifies you for the Mommy Clan.
I got tagged through my Instagram account a couple of days ago. Suzanne, one of my former clients responded to Amy Schumer’s call for advice about her IVF treatment: “Amy-check out @fertileheart as well,” wrote Suzanne. “Julia’s work and info was very helpful in my conception at the wonderful age of 43.”
If you were to ask me to name some things I most wished for throughout my life, I’d say I often hoped someone would speak up for me. Growing up with so many stories of unfathomable crimes committed against people closest to me, I was acutely sensitized to injustice but clueless about what I could […]
4 Simple Steps
to Re-Claiming Your Fertility & Your Life
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