If pregnancy is the destination, knowing your most fertile day is without a doubt an eminently useful piece of information. In a recent Fertile Heart workshop several women had questions about identifying the most fertile days and the clearest signs of ovulation. Some of them expressed frustration with the level of reliability of ovulation kits. Ovulation […]
How to restore an optimal function of the endocrine system with fertility foods, natural fertility supplements and herbs for ovulation boost. By Julia Indichova. An ever increasing volume of research proves the beneficial effect of fertility foods, natural fertility supplements and natural fertility herbs on the functioning of the endocrine system and all aspects of the […]
By P. D. Silva, J. L. Cool, K. L. Olson, from The Journal of Reproductive Medicine for the Obstetrician and Gynecologist, March 1999, Vol. 44, No. 3. The purpose of this article is to provide information about the specific relationship between the lifestyle choices and infertility of reproductive-age women. In industrialized countries 14% of couples […]
4 Simple Steps
to Re-Claiming Your Fertility & Your Life
Download Julia Indichova’s audio introduction
to the Fertile Heart OVUM Program
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