
A Safe Space for Truth (All Truth)

That’s a clip from our Visionaries Circle.

I was mirroring what I sensed Beatrice, one of the women in the group, has been keeping bottled up for a long time. I realized she was now ready to fully embrace the “orphan” who needed to be seen and heard.

Interestingly enough, it was not long after this Visionaries call that she had a profound experience during her Body Truth Practice and soon after conceived her baby girl after 4 years, of treatments, more than 12 failed IUI”s, low AMH, high FSH diagnosis. (You can see her sweet baby girl  and read Beatrice’s love note below)

The best fertility supplements, state of the art fertility testing, fertility friendly food choices, fertility acupuncture, massage. Each of those resources can certainly make a difference on this scenic road to motherhood.

But what our bodies crave more than wheatgrass juice, is Truth.

If in the privacy of our own hearts we can’t carve out a safe space for Truth, than the  medicine is less likely to get to where the trouble is.

That is why every Imagery, each Body Truth Sequence, each interaction in our Fertile Heart Visionaries Circles is strengthening the part of us that can keep driving in the Truth Lane.

If our children and grandchildren have any hope of inheriting a livable earth-home, it might, in fact, be the most necessary skill for each of us humans to acquire. The most necessary and the most challenging skill. But we’re up for it. Aren’t we?  If the generations that come after us can’t count on their parents, who can they count on?


Hi Julia! 
Arthur and I want to introduce you to our precious baby girl…We are absolutely in love!…We sing and dance with her every day, and we have sung her the Fertile Heart songs. Thank you, Julia, for being you and for helping us meet our precious miracle halfway. I don’t think we would be where we are today if it wasn’t for you. I’m so incredibly grateful to you, and will always think fondly of you, your support and guidance, our sessions together, the visionary circles, and all the gifts I learned and received from you and your Fertile Heart. Every Tuesday evening, regardless of what I’m doing, I feel like I’m supposed to be meeting with you and the beautiful people you gather around you. Julia, you are incredible, and my experiences with you have truly been life-changing. I look forward to our next conversation and more work together soon! 
Love, Beatrice (a very grateful Fertile Heart mommy)

Pregnant Woman in White Dress Mind-Body Visionary Support Circles
An experiential workshop 
recorded live and ready for viewing
with Julia Indichova author of Inconceivable & The Fertile Female

An experiential workshop

recorded live and ready for viewing

with Julia Indichova author of
Inconceivable & The Fertile Female

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