
“Over 40” Fertility Success Stories

Leslie Z. New York, NY, USA (first-time mom at 42)

By the time I read your books I had six failed IVF’s and a number of miscarriages.

With every miscarriage my desperation was increasing to unbearable levels. Since the medical community offered me very little options I knew that I was going to have to make something change inside of me, but I had no idea how to do that. I’ve been in therapy for years and tried every alternative treatment but I was still stuck. The Fertile Heart tools, the workshops and your books opened a whole new way of thinking and feeling about this journey. They taught me how to gradually become my own Ultimate Mom. I don’t think that our miracle baby, Isabella, would be here today without the work I have done with you and Fertile Heart. I became a first time mom at 42 after being told I would never have a biological child.”

Ronda White, Washington, D.C.

Just writing you a quick note to share the PHENOMENAL news: I am 7 months pregnant… and I’m due May 2!!! We are having a baby boy and to quote you in your Inconceivable book, I’m having an “uneventful” pregnancy at 42 and we conceived ON OUR OWN!! After being told my AMH was too low and my FSH was too high. My love and gratitude for your support and love and for teaching me SO much about my body and my spirit… and I will never forget when you looked at me in your workshop in Woodstock and said, “Ronda, WHEN you’re a mother… NOT IF!”

Figured Valentine’s Day was a great day to share the love. And thank you from the bottom of my heart.

Kelly G. Singapore (first-time mom at 44)

It is with much joy in my heart that I write this email that has been a long time in coming and for that I apologize, but my life went a bit topsy turvy over the past year.

I would dream of writing an email like this to you one day and still cannot believe I actually get to! I want to thank you for sharing your journey and encouraging me to believe in that voice deep inside.

After having read both Inconceivable and The Fertile Female in September I called regarding information about your workshops. Much to my surprise you answered the phone. It was so good to talk to you and you encouraged me to attend the next workshop in mid-September. You may recall that we had just had a hurricane and were without electricity. I was literally in the midst of getting ready to move from Baltimore to Singapore at the end of September but I knew I had to come. So, on a beautiful weekend in the middle of September I drove 5 hours from Baltimore toWoodstock.

Your workshop was inspirational, encouraging, and it reinforced the difficult decision I had made to walk away from IVF.

I had agonized for months trying to decide if I should move forward with IVF but something inside me kept saying it was not the right path to the point that it was even affecting me physically. So I walked away and decided to just trust.

Although I made that decision at end of May, I will admit that until I read your books a part of me still questioned if I had done the right thing because i so desparately wanted to be a Mom. Your workshop helped me feel even more grounded with my decision. I drove back toBaltimorethat night with a renewed sense of hope that no matter what I would be ok — whether I had a biological child, adopted a child, or no child.

Two weeks later I boarded a plane and moved overseas. I landed in Singapore on October 1 and much to my surprise found out I was pregnant on Nov 5th!

I guess stress was not a factor in my case because I was definitely under a lot of stress moving 10,000 miles away with my husband travelling every other week. We were living in a hotel, I had no doctor, and I had not switched my health insurance to overseas. My life was surreal and I couldn’t believe I was actually pregnant-plus I had another 35 weeks to go! I had been practicing the Fertile Heart tools since the summer when I read your books and continued to do so when I was pregnant.

I am happy to say that I had an uneventful pregnancy and even flew back to the UStwice – once at 3 months and once at 5 months to visit family and friends. My daughter, was born in Singaporeon June 29th, at 6:29 pm and weighed a healthy 7lb 9oz. I conceived naturally and was a few days shy of my 44 1/2 birthday when she was born.  I am still in awe that I gave birth to her and thank God everyday. Thank you for your inspiration and your encouragement to listen to that inner voice.

With much gratitude,

Suzanne Lang, New York City (first-time mom at 43)

It’s official! I’m at 1030 HCG! I’ve NEVER been pregnant before so it’s a total first at 43!

I did the visualizations from the Fertile Heart Imagery CD’s. I am so excited to keep on doing everything!

Thank you for encouraging me to attend the workshop the second time and also with my husband. As you know we conceived a few weeks after attending the second workshop. Second time for me and first for my husband. I realized afterward that I was doing the work but wasn’t fully committed to what I wanted and to myself. Now, I get to do my next chapter of Fertile Heart. I’m not going anywhere now that I am pregnant.

I need you and Fertile Heart community and the work way too much. Julia, thank you for giving me the gift of your knowledge and heart and generosity and humanity!!!. I am carrying that with me!

And 5 months later Suzanne wrote:  “We did hypno-birthing and a lot of other stuff and I keep going back to the Body Truth CD. It’s the best!!”

Susan G., Northport Long Island, NY

Dear Julia, I attended your weekend session and was inspired by your words. You said we all have a Journey to undergo. I accepted that statement and believed that no matter the outcome I will go through this journey a better person. After six miscarriages in five years I finally conceived on my own at the age of 43 and delivered a beautiful healthy baby boy at age 44 on Feb 7 this year. Of course I tried different holistic methods that I believe helped but my detachment from the outcome I believe helped me relax. This work not only helped me conceive, but changed the way I live my life and practice medicine. Thank you Julia. I really appreciate your book, your weekend session, your tapes, your web site and your devotion to help us all.

Kathy I., New Jersey (first-time mom at 43)

Two years ago today I took Julia’s workshop through the Learning Annex. It was Saint Patrick’s day and my friend Alice and I went. We sat in the first row and I was so moved and inspired by Julia and her experience that I decided to join her Fertile Heart Circle Meetings in New York city. I now have a son Alejandro who is 2 months old today. I know my meeting Julia and her work was a huge contribution to my getting pregnant naturally at age 43 and giving birth 3 days before my 44th birthday. I strongly encourage anyone interested in getting pregnant or “giving birth” to whatever that may be to take Julia’s workshop. I am forwarding Julia’s information to the women in my life.

Thank you, Julia.

Comments are from Fertile Heart™ workshop participants. A number of Julia Indichova’s former clients are also available for interview. Film clips from a currently filmed documentary are available upon request.

Womans Legs walking up steps 4 simple steps to re-claiming your fertility and your life

4 Simple Steps

to Re-Claiming Your Fertility & Your Life

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